Smart Data & Collaboration
With our expertise in smart data & collaboration, we assist our clients to gain a better understanding and control of their organizations with the help of digital tools. We create structures for effective, innovative and secure collaboration in the digital domain. Specifically, we can support you with the following services:

Fichtner Digital Grid
Fichtner Digital Grid supports distribution system operators in meeting ongoing challenges with a unique, flexibly scalable solution package.

Security & Protection of Personal Data
By embedding security and protection of personal data in the technical infrastructure of companies, risks are reduced over the long term while at the same time boosting the efficiency of working practices.

Business Geo Intelligence (BGI)
Fichtner Business Geo Intelligence (BGI) offers smart web solutions, apps and augmented reality for geographic problems with a great depth of functionality coupled with user-friendliness.

Fichtner Digital Workplace
With your Digital Workplace aiding digital transformation, you can communicate and work together securely and efficiently wherever you are.

Smart Energy Hub
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs & Energy has selected projects from leading industries to receive funding for “Smart Data – Innovations in Data”.

Fichtner EDDIE
Fichtner EDDIE is a modular solution portfolio for meeting the challenges confronting the energy systems of the future.

Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG
FIT creates a rule-based system for the automated scheduling of maintenance and control of streetcar switches.

The Sportaltlas Sachsen-Anhalts
The sports atlas was created as a guide for sports enthusiasts as the basis for a comprehensive development of sports facilities.

Fire protection and firefighting concepts
FIT supported the Berlin engineering office for fire protection in the agile development of the ARE platform.
Do you have a specific concern? Please tell us more!
We look forward to helping you achieve your goals and implement your projects.

- Willi Wendt
- Senior Consultant
- smartcity @fichtner .de
- +49 30 60976566
- +49 151 16231418